Thursday, May 13, 2010

Leiters to Bil

From my current résumé:

"Whose career would you have rather had one year ago: Dev Patel or Dave Ulliott? Recall from your readings of popular[/populist] business blog The Injetsons I have consistently answered Dave Ulliott. Despite trade opinion I have never made the same mistake onced. The week in business."

The weap in business.

The business with tomatoes is that they grow faster than you can really enjoi their boyhood. I enjoi'd covering their feet with rolo nice dirt the other day. The new dirt doesn't cake in the sun [yet] and supposedly provides delicious nutrients to the plants, and then to me, and then to ~5,000 hands of no-limit hold 'em weekly. Little baby tomatoes began [blooming?] the other day, so I tied a green ribbon to our mailbox [not pictured].

Cannes is readybreak, which is good for entertainment magazines [like The Injetsons] so expect 5,293 kilobyte uploads of Helena Bonham Carter's artisan cheeses in popular jpeg format. [Don't expect this.] Helena Bonzeau's Montreaux. Blarrrrrrggg Babies is picking up steam. Weird.

The death of inkjet,
George Injetson